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Monday, September 19, 2011

Tips on How to Make Sure Your Home Sells – And Sells at a Good Price

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Anyone can put their home up for sale – but if you do things correctly, you can be the seller that gets the home sold at a price you want AND in the time you want to sell it.  You will be surprised how simple it is.  With just a few steps and a little bit of energy put into sprucing things up, you can be on your way to a successful sale and then move into something better.


The number one thing that will help drive your sale is for you to know and understand your motivation to sell.  If you have put your home up for sale and leave it up there passively, waiting for someone to come by and show some interest – the home will probably sit there for as long as you sit back and relax.  But if you really want that home to sell, tapping into your true motivation will do the trick.

- Prepare the Home for Perpetual Showings
- Clean Up, Clear Up and De-Clutter
- Highlight Its Best Features
- Spruce Up the Exterior
- Effectively Price the Home

Your home should always be ready for prospective buyers to visit for a look.  That means that everything should be in working order, nothing should appear unkempt, the home should be appropriately heated or cooled (depending on the season) and there should not be too many signs of your life there.  The less personal it appears, the more the buyer will be able to visualize their family in the home.

No one will find a dirty, cluttered home with smudge marks, scuffed doors or dented walls attractive.  Make an effort to clear up any clutter, remove signs of personal belongings that would hinder a buyers’ ability to imagine living there.  Clear up kitchen counters, shine up fixtures in bathrooms, remove any pet smells and turn on lights so they can see the home well.

If your kitchen counter tops are high-end, make sure that there is no clutter on them.  If your deck is one of the best features of your home, try to highlight it with nicely arranged patio furniture.  Showing off the home’s best features will attract plenty of attention and keep serious prospective buyers there lingering longer for a closer look.

Make sure there is plenty of curb appeal.  Pay attention to the condition and quality of siding, outdoor lighting, trees and flowerbeds, weeds, the grass and main entrance through which potential buyers will enter.  Nothing beats that first impression when people are actively shopping for the perfect home.

Price your home realistically and appropriately so you do not risk losing prospective buyers to other homes in the neighborhood that might be priced lower.  Ask your listing agent to conduct a detailed CMA to determine where your property fits on the pricing scale.  Be realistic and remember that what you paid for the home or what you may still owe on it has nothing to do with what you will be able to price the home for, especially during a challenged market.


One of the biggest mistakes many homeowners make when selling their home is to freely discuss all aspects of the process with anyone or everyone in their social and professional circles.  This can backfire if the information that you may not have intended for someone else, reaches him or her inadvertently.  By keeping the details of your transaction between yourself, your Realtor and maybe one or two very close friends or family members, you will protect yourself from any unforeseen circumstances that could negatively affect the deal.
At the end of the day, no one better than your Realtor understands the selling (and buying) process for real estate.  Be sure to hire someone you can trust completely – and then leave things in their hands and follow their lead and advice.  You will indeed sell your home very successfully!

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